The first half of 2023 was incredibly busy, as it saw me working on two feature films (97 Minutes and The Lonely Musketeer). As I moved into the second half of the year however, the pace slowed somewhat and I found myself involved with the VFX for a couple of short films. As more time became available I've beem able to do some much-needed spring cleaning to the portfolio and have published images of my work on the Salvage Marines project, both to this site and to my Instagram, Art Station and Linkedin pages. This is a great thing as I spent such a lot of time and effort on those models and it feels important to me that people should get a chance to see them properly.
I have also continued work on my most recent back-burner project Oracle, which I am cautiously hopeful might be complete before Christmas. That one is chock full of model work and once it's complete you can expect a lot of pictures to appear!